Written by RUSHD Consulting

Introduction to Benchmarking


Benchmarking stands as an indispensable tool in today’s organizational development landscape, offering organizations a crucial comparative lens against industry standards.

Amidst the thriving business ecosystem of Saudi Arabia, benchmarking is fast gaining prominence. It holds the potential to uncover performance gaps, elucidate best practices, and promote a culture of continual improvement.

Embracing benchmarking strategically and thoughtfully, coupled with a systematic approach, can induce transformative changes. It is an aid that can steer Saudi Arabian organizations towards surpassing their goals and setting new benchmarks, quite literally, in their respective domains.



Benchmarking is an exercise through which organizations measure their performance, processes, products, or services against the top-performing industry entities.

By identifying ‘best practices’ elsewhere, beneficiaries can implement these strategies to improve their performance. This method is not limited to comparing with direct competitors; it can also involve comparing to industry standards or other industries.


Benchmarking has evolved into a strategy enabler that drives organizations toward superior performance, continuous improvement, and innovation by facilitating informed decision-making.


Four types of benchmarking exist -process, performance, strategic and competitive, each offering distinctive insights and acting as a lever for organizational growth.

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