Narrative Crafting

We provide deep understanding of clients’ situations that enables a structured & meticulously written storytelling by utilizing principles of personalization & customization.

Narrative crafting follows a structured framework that highlights the client’s challenges, paints a picture of the desired future state, and presents a clear path to achieve objectives, influencing decision-making and driving action



Suitable For

Entities face challenges in portraying and communicating information in a way that is memorable, relatable, and impactful. It follows a structured framework that highlights challenges and obstacles, convey insights and strategies, and derive recommendations.

Solution Design Principles

Understand Client Context

Probe into their operations, grasp their business context, understand their challenges, comprehend business drivers and aspirations.

Audience Research

Conduct a research to better comprehend the audience that the client targets to present for, applying customization.

Deliverable Structure

A tailored deliverable structure with comprehensive elements that respond to the client’s need and personalizes the approach for the audience.

Deliverable Storytelling

Crafting a compelling narrative creating an emotional connection and engaging the audience, making recommendations more memorable persuasive.

Key Deliverables


Narrative Writing

A deliverable with a structured compelling narrative, laying out challenges and recommending resolutions


Objective Setting Report

A report highlighting organization’s objectives and end goal of the presentation in discussion.


Guidance Report

Holistic alignment report that covers guidance on next level steps.

[01] RUSHD Relevance

[02] RUSHD Reinforcements

[03] RUSHD Refinement