Operating Model Development

Operating model development drives seamless execution, adaptability, and enhanced performance.

By optimizing the right governance model, processes, policies & procedures, resources, and fostering agility, we empower successful navigation of changing market dynamics.



Suitable For

Entities battling with process inefficiencies, poor performance tracking and a lack of adaptability. It optimizes resources, fosters agility and ensures successful navigation of changing market dynamics.

Solution Design Principles

Understand Client Context

Gain client insights for informed decisions by understanding objectives, intricacies, and market dynamics.

Model Design

Design an operating model that enables strategy execution, fosters operational excellence, optimizes performance tracking, and maximizes efficiency.


Deliver extensive aid in training and change management to ensure a smooth integration of the new operating model.

Continuous Improvement

Continuously improve the model to align with evolving business needs.

Key Deliverables


Operating Model Blueprint

Detailed plan for the service model, optimal operations, resource utilization, and adaptability.


Process Optimization Report

Detailed report on recommended processes to improve performance.


Governance Model

Model crystalizing structure of decision-making bodies, as well as the rules & procedures for decision-making, accountability, & transparency.

[01] RUSHD Relevance

[02] RUSHD Reinforcements

[03] RUSHD Refinement